
  1. guclusat

    Ne5532 and 4 TDA2030 – 2 x 18 Watts stereo + 30 W subwoofer devresi

    List of material for assembly of the power amplifier with subwoofer using TDA2030 and Ne5532 Parts Value Resistors 1/4 W 5% R1, R11, R22, R24 470 – Yellow, Violet, Brown, Gold R13, R16, R26 22K – Red, Red, Orange, Gold R2, R7, 22K 2 Watts – Red, Red, Orange, Gold R3, R12, R23 33K – Orange...
  2. guclusat

    Stereo FM Verici Devresi

    Untuk postingan kali ini mari saya ajak belajar membuat pemancar FM Stereo, Stereo karena menghasilkan dua keluaran output L dan R ketika diterima di radio Receiver FM yang juga harus stereo. Hasilnya tidak mengecewakan, pemisahan separasi sinyal antara L dan R. begitu jernih. Untuk...
  3. guclusat

    TL072 stereo preamplifikatör devresi

    Welcome back to Free Circuit dot com ,Today,We take the preamplifier circuit with TL072,You can connect with Guitar,DVD player or Iphone. The preamplifier circuit is shown in the figure has some interesting characteristics that separate “normal” on the assumption that there is such a thing...
  4. guclusat

    Pre Tone Control Stereo by IC NE5532

    If you want Pre Tone Control Stereo circuit good some. I begs for to advise this circuit. Because use IC NE5532 make build and high-quality,price be inexpensive extremely. By this circuit can fine the bass – treble well, and fine the loud sound – the light. get fine to balance the...
  5. guclusat

    CARVIN 500w stereo power module

    CARVIN 500w stereo power module