Simple LED Circuits


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Fake Alarm - Circuit
I've used this first circuit on several motorcycles. I mounted the LEDs inside the lights. They were pushed through small holes drilled in the plastic reflectors. I put the control circuit behind the reflector in the tail light.

The small number of components means that the circuit can be built without a circuit board. The parts can be soldered directly onto the pins of the IC. Roll the whole thing carefully in a little BluTack - and cover the outside with several layers of electrical tape. You should end up with a small cylinder - that's well insulated and relatively impervious to moisture.

If you're installing this device on your bike or in your car - there's no need for an on/off switch. You can just leave it running all the time. However - you must fit a 1-amp (or even smaller) fuse as close as possible to your power source. This Is Very Important. The fuse is there to protect the wiring - NOT the components of the circuit. If you're mounting the LEDs inside the lights - you'll need to choose a spot that's not going to get too hot.

