Resource Hacker


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Resource Hacker (Kaynak Korsanı) v3.4.0.79

Windows tabanlı 32bit'lik exe programları türkçeleştirmek için kullanılan harika bir program. Sitelerde de bulunan birçok programın Türkçe versiyonu işte bu programla oluşturuluyor. Resource Hacker ile exe, dll, ocx gibi bir Windows uygulamasının (eğer sıkıştırılmış değilse) menülerini, yazılarını, mesajlarını, ikonlarını, grafiklerini (bitmap) değiştirebiliyorsunuz. Hatta tuş takımlarının şeklini, ebatlarını bile değiştirebilirsiniz.
Download version 5.1.6:
EXE install (2.9MB)

ZIP install (3.0MB)
Son düzenleyen: Moderatör:
Batch file Examples (using rh.exe instead of ResourceHacker.exe in places for brevity)

ResourceHacker.exe -help
@pause :: to see the console output before the CMD window closes.

rh.exe -open .\in\resources.rc -save .\out\resources.res -action compile -log NUL

rh.exe -open old.exe -save new.exe -action addskip -res my.ico -mask ICONGROUP,MAINICON,

rh.exe -open source.exe -save .\icons -action extract -mask ICONGROUP,, -log CON

rh.exe -open source.exe -save .\dialogs.rc -action extract -mask DIALOG,, -log rh.log

ResourceHacker.exe -script myscript.txt

Resource Hacker™ Scripts:

Resource Hacker™ Scripts are executed from the command-line using the following syntax:

ResourceHacker.exe -script ScriptFile

Resource Hacker™ Scripts are text files with the following format:

//comments are preceded by double slashes
//one or more of the following commands ...
-add SourceFile, ResourceMask
-addskip SourceFile, ResourceMask
-addoverwrite SourceFile, ResourceMask
-addoverwrite SourceFile, ResourceMask
-modify SourceFile, ResourceMask
-extract TargetFile or TargetFolder, ResourceMask
-delete ResourceMask

Note: Filenames that include spaces must be enclosed within double quotes.

Resource Hacker™ Script examples:

rh_script_myprog_rus.txt -
//This script deletes all Language Neutral (0)
//string-table, menu and dialog resource items
//in MyProg.exe before replacing them
//with Russian (1049) items...
Exe= MyProg.exe
SaveAs= MyProg_Rus.exe
Log= MyProg_Rus.log
-delete MENU,,0
-delete DIALOG,,0
-delete STRINGTABLE,,0
-add MyProg_Rus.res, MENU,,1049
-add MyProg_Rus.res, DIALOG,,1049
-add MyProg_Rus.res, STRINGTABLE,,1049

rh_script_myprog_upd_images.txt -
//This script updates 2 bitmaps and an
//icon in MyProg.exe ...
Exe= MyProg.exe
SaveAs= MyProg_Updated.exe
-addoverwrite Bitmap128.bmp, BITMAP,128,
-addoverwrite Bitmap129.bmp, BITMAP,129,0
-addoverwrite MainIcon.ico, ICONGROUP,MAINICON,0

rh_script_myprog_upd_all.txt -
//This script replaces all resources
//in MyProg.exe with all the resources
//in MyProgNew.res
Exe= MyProg.exe
SaveAs= MyProg_Updated.exe
-delete ,,, //delete all resources before...
-add MyProgNew.res ,,, //adding all the new resources


Resource Hacker​

Version 5.1.8 (360)
Last updated: 20 November 2020
Copyright © 1999-2020 Angus Johnson
Freeware - no nags, no ads and fully functional.


Download version 5.1.8:​

EXE install (4MB)

ZIP install (3MB)

Changes in 5.1.8 (360):
Bugfix:Some PNG files were no longer being displayed.
Changes in 5.1.8:
Added:Zooming/scrolling views of image resources
Update:Enabled scrolling for very tall dialogs
Bugfix:Very large binary resources (>>100Mb) could crash the hex editor
Bugfix:Occasional bug decompiling dialogs styles (WS_TABSTOP)
Bugfix:RC file missing when extracting a binary resource type from commandline

Download version 5.2.7:​

EXE install (4.1MB)

ZIP install (3.3MB)

Changes in 5.2.7:
  • fixed minor bugs in commandline scripts
Changes in 5.2.6:
  • fixed a bug incorrectly detecting text encoding
  • fixed several other minor bugs