Free circuit dot com today,I will be present battery discharger circuit with IC LM3900 to control process its.
The reason I designed this dischargers are many, but I am a typical example for this list. A size batteries cost modeler for 14 hours, then goes to the field for a fly. He then rest for 1 week, then cost batteries for 14 hours and fly back. The third time he repeated the procedure, then wonders why his plane has an important argument for the airstrip. The problem with this method is that it battey a suit rechargeing after the first week, in an unknown state of charge. The second and subsquent fees are grossly overcharging the batteries. If they are full, are Ni-Cad batteries gasification start from the electrolyte and a sealed battery, the electrolyte (as opposed to a car battery), never to be refilled. Over-charging the batteries deteriorated significantly and it reduces their capacity dramatically.
Parts List:
Resistors: 10K(7), SOT 16K4 & 6.9K, 470 Ohm(2), 4K7(2), 1K(3), 47 ohm/5W, 47ohm(2 parallel).
Capacitors: 10uF (electrolytic), 0.1uF (ceramic).
Transistors: BD681(2), BC548(1)
Diodes: 1N4001(2)
Led’s: Red, 5mm(2)
IC: LM3900, 14pin, plus 14-pin socket
Switches: Momentary, push-on(2)
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