Mpeg2 ve Mpeg4 HD Video (Görüntü) Audio (ses) decoder paketleri


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Süper Moderatör
DVB oynatıcalarında kanal deiştirirken karşılşılan ses gitme(olmama) sorunu bu dosyada çözülmüştür

Aşağdaki linkten indirin

progdvb de ses sorunu yaşiyorsanız hala!!! ilgili decoderi leri kaldırın bu demekki progdvb kurulurken yanında elecard decoderi kurmaktadır! ve de kendi kurulmuş olan Filters klasöründeki dosyaları kulanmaktadır burada yapmanız gereken progdvb kurulu olan varsayılan
C:\Program Files\ProgDVB nin Filters klasörün içindeki butün dosyaları silin!!!
tabiki progdvb kapalıyken silin yoksa hata verir yukarda en son kendi yaptığım elecard decoder pack ı yükleyin ses sorununuz olmicaktır!
progdvb nin her kurulum gereksiminde bunu yapın yada kurarken mpeg2 decoderi seçmeyin

en: progdvb channels no sound problem fix issue is remove all files in progdvb istalled path filters folder and install correct elecard mpeg2 decoder look it around


MPEG2 Decoders paketi v2.08
içersinde bir çok farklı mpeg2 video, audio, decoder mevcut
bazı sistemlerde decoder sorunu yaşanmakta çözüm olarak aşağıdaki mpeg2 video audio decoderleri deneyebilirsiniz

cyberlink DTV
sonic video decoder
kurulumda ihtiyacız olan decoderi seçmeye unutmayın

buradan indirin: MPEG2 Decoders 2.08.rar

high defination (HD) video audio decoder paket HD Pack 1.7

xp sp3 desteği mevcut
ArcSoft Mpeg2, AVC Decoder v2.25.105.52


Cyberlink Mpeg2 Video Decoder - 19.07.2008

* PowerDVD 8.0.1830
* Mpeg2 Decoder v8.2.0.630


AC3Filter 1.51a

Release notes:

* CPU usage takes in account number of processors
* Center, Voice and LFE levels are synchronized across Mixer and Gains pages
* 'Decoder info' box did not work sometimes
* Slovak, Spanish and Italian translations updated

Nvidia Pure HD Video Decoder 1.02-223

Bringing the High-Definition Home Theater Experience to Your PC
Today’s consumers demand superb picture clarity, stutter-free playback and multiple display connectivity options. The best way to achieve this is with NVIDIA® PureVideo™ technology.

Watch DVD movies and videos on your desktop PC, notebook PC, or HDTV without the annoying artifacts and imperfections of traditional PC-based video solutions. NVIDIA PureVideo technology is the combination of a dedicated video processing core on the NVIDIA GPU and software in the NVIDIA® ForceWare® drivers that delivers superb video with minimal CPU utilization and low power consumption.

H.264, WMV, and MPEG-2 Hardware Acceleration
NVIDIA PureVideo provides ultra-smooth playback of H.264, WMV and MPEG-2 HD and SD videos with minimal CPU usage.

Ultra-smooth Video:
Dedicated video processing core provides astonishingly fluid standard and high-definition video on your PC without stutter or skips.
Programmable video processor accelerates H.264, WMV, and MPEG-2 high-definition movies.
Discrete video processing core offloads the CPU and 3D engine of complex video tasks, freeing the PC to run multiple applications simultaneously, while consuming less power.

Superb Picture Clarity:
Delivers crisp pictures by eliminating double images, blurring, and distortions.
Smoothes jagged edges with spatial temporal de-interlacing, inverse telecine, and advanced scaling technologies.

Precise, vivid colors on any display
Gamma, brightness, saturation, color temperature correction, and LCD sharpening provide lifelike pictures and vivid colors on any display.
