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S2E Linkey

Access and Share Serial or USB Devices Securely Over a Network or the Internet

S2E® is a USB-to-Ethernet,Serial-to-Ethernet and USB-to-Serial device, enabling you to access USB or Serial peripherals over a network. These devices can be individually dedicated or shared among users.

S2E provides increased mobility enabling you to remotely access and control USB or Serial devices via a network connection or the Internet. With this compact device users can network peripherals such as web cams, USB speakers, storage subsystems, security ID devices, DVB receivers, card readers, bar code scanners, multifunction printers, scanners and even PDAs easily and without distance limitations. Beneficial to OEMs and systems integrators designing products and solutions for a variety of markets, some additional applications for the S2E include security and access control.

S2E offers a compact design and feature-rich software that enables devices to be dedicated to individual users or shared among many users on a network.

S2E can connect any STB to a NewCS, CCcam, Gbox or Radegast server using SSSP or POG protocols via the RS232 port or use the season to connect via card reader if STB does not support SSSP or POG protocols.

Easy to Install and Use

Our innovative approach to network-enabling devices is transparent to your attached devices and software, so you won’t have to change the way you work. The S2E offers simple plug-and-play operation and does not require special device drivers.

S2E includes firmware that works in conjunction with software installed on each PC accessing the connected Serial or USB peripherals. S2E is configured controlled and upgraded from within the software utility. The software is designed to access, identify, configure and upgrade each S2E on the network as needed. Once configured, the software runs in the background and Serial or USB devices are automatically connected to associated PCs in the same manner as if they were connected locally.

Enables USB or RS232/Serial peripherals to be shared over a network

Eliminates distance limitations of RS232 and USB

10/100 Ethernet interface

Supports DHCP, Static IP

If you’re looking for a cost-effective way to connect your USB devices for remote accessibility, S2E is the best solution.

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Evet yanlis okumadiniz elimde bir ufak bir kutu var comportan cihaza baglaniyor diger tarafinda ethernet baglantisi var modeme network kablosuyla baglaniyor ve

dreamboxlarin baglandigi serverlere baglaniyor sorunsuz

yani Cccam server baglanmak asagadaki liste yazilmis olan cihazlarla mumkundur

Ontvangers & LINKEY

Linkey Card

Alle ontvangers en modules welke de originele smartcard leest.
Support Seca en binnenkort Ird*to.


Humax 5400z met TOH software.
Maxdigital220s Maxplus 2100s
Philips 5816/6073/7072 met ** software
Technomate 1000 serie
Clarketech 1500 tot 2100s
Technomate 1000 serie
Samsung 9500 met bepaalde bootloader
Nokia 9500

en son yazilimi 1.10 Cikti

bu ek parca com portan humaxa baglaniyor diger tarafi ise routera baglanir yani pcye gerek kalmadan server cccama baglanir

ve serverde hangi kanalllar varsa onlari izleyebilirsin

Gun gittikce daha fazla cihazlarla calismasi saglaniyor yeni yeni yazilimlar cikmaya baslandi su anda en son yazilim 26.03 tarihlidir

web arayuzu degisti ve daha fazla ayarlar eklendi

ama sunu devamli diyorum mevcut olan yazilimla her hangi bir sorun olmadigi muddetce yazilimi yuklemeye gerek yok

ki eger yuklersen mevcut olan yarlari kayip edebilirsin ve isin zor olur belki oarya tekrar gelem gerekecek dikatli ol

Humax 5400 serisi istisnasiz her türlü Cc cam paylasimlarini yapmaktadir. Yapilan denemelerde tesbit edildigi gibi, bir servere bagli olarak paylasim adedi ne olursa olsun, memleketler arasi paylasimlarda bile yayinlar kalitesinden kesinlikle bir sey eksilmeden seyredilebilmektedir. Humax recieverin yanina "LINKEY" dedigimiz serverle baglanti vazifesi gören kücük bir cihaz vasitasi ile kaliteden kesinlikle taviz vermeden istedigimiz yayini seyredebilmek olanagina kavusuyoruz. LINKEY cihazi sayesinde Dreamboxlarin serverlerine baglandigi gibi baglantida kalmaktadir. Paylasimlarda ise yok ,yok, hercesit yayini seyretmek mümkün.Ne mutlu Humax 5400 cihazi olana.Kolay gelsin.

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S2E Linkey

Connect any STB to a NewCS, CCcam, Gbox or Radegast server using SSSP
or POG protocols via the RS232 port or use the season to connect via card
reader if STB does not support SSSP or POG protocols

Example Applications:
DVB receivers

Network Interface 10/100 Fast Ethernet
USB 1 port, USB 2.0
Serial 1 port, RS232
Network protocols TCP/IP UDP DHCP autoIP
Power input 5 VDC
Device packaging ABS enclosure

Linkey is a device that enables you by using the SSSP - protocol (don't ask! but it uses the serial-port) to use CardSharing.
The idea is that using the Linkey you can build your own (local) cardsharing service and for each SAT-device you'll need a Linkey.
At the cost of 60,= euro's it's a pretty investment but they say it will bring Dreambox capabilities to your (normal) Sat-receiver.

Linkey can connect to Gbox and Cccam

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De Linkey is een apparaat welke gegevens kan uitwisselen via verschillende protocollen.
Voor betaal TV via smartcard kan U het gebruiken om via 1 smartkaart/abonnement op
meerdere ontvangers te gebruiken. U hoeft dus maar 1 abonnement af te sluiten.
U heeft wel een interne server nodig en voor elke ontvanger welke U gebruikt in Uw interne
omgeving een Linkey. U hoeft dus geen meerdere"dezelfde" abonnementen af te sluiten.

Interne servers?
De Linkey ondersteunt de meest gangbare servers.
Linux receivers via CCcam, Newcs, Gbox, Radegast, Newcamd
Linux server via CCcam, Newcs, Gbox, Radegast, Newcamd
Windows server via Newcs, Gbox

Welke ontvangers?
De Linkey kan op 4 manieren communiceren met ontvangers.
1. Via Linkey Card (Linkey Card addon nodig)
2. Via SSSP protocol
3. Via POG protocol
4. Via Multiroom protocol

Linkey Card: Uw ontvanger moet de originele smartkaart kunnen lezen.
SSSP: Uw ontvanger moet SSSP protocol ondersteunen via rs232 (compoort).
POG: Uw ontvanger moet POG protocol ondersteunen via rs232 (compoort).
Multiroom: Uw ontvanger moet Multiroom protocol ondersteunen via rs232 (compoort).
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Ontvangers & LINKEY

Linkey Card

Vrijwel alle ontvangers en modules welke de originele smartcard leest.
Support Seca of Viacess of Conax en binnenkort Ird*to.


Humax 5400z met TOH software.
Maxdigital220s Maxplus 2100s
Technomate 1000 serie
Clarketech 1500 tot 2100s
Technomate 1000 serie
Samsung 9500 met bepaalde bootloader

Philips 6071/6072

Vantage 200 serie
Hyro (Vantage 200 serie)

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Linkey Card addon € 9,95 (incl.)

Linkey Card addon

Linkey Season Cardaddon

De card addon word geleverd met een flatkabel ; hieraan zit een kleine blauwe en grote blauwe strip.

De kleine blauwe strip komt aan de addon smartcard (connector) . Het blauwe gedeelte is naar de smartcard gericht.
De grote blauwe strip word bevestigd op de linkey. Het blauwe gedeelte wijst naar can2

This product was added to our catalog on Monday 30 June, 2008.

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Linkey Addon Set voor Maxplus en Maxdigital € 58,00 (incl.)

Linkey Addon Set voor Maxplus en Maxdigital

Linkey addon complete SET ( ! )

complete set :

* base unit
* nullmodemkabel
* USB kabel
* adapter

Netwerk :

Sluit de linkey aan in je netwerk, omdat de linkey via DHCP werkt zou het meteen opgenomen moeten worden in uw netwerk.

De Linkey te benaderen kunt u via 2 manieren doen :

1) open een Internet Explorer programma en type in de adressenbalk : http://linkey

2) vind de IP van de linkey en open een internet explorer programma en type in de adressenbalk
http://"gevondenIP" bv of

Wanneer U inlogt in de linkey zal er een popup verschijnen voor usernaam en wachtwoord.
Standaard instelling: type bij usernaam: admin
U kunt nu inloggen in de linkey

Let op dat u niet de bootloader aanzet.
Dit verwijdert de software in de linkey en moet u via de computer nieuwe software laden in de linkey.

Mocht u een verkeerd IP hebben ingesteld dan kunt U de linkey aansluiten op uw computer via USB en etherkabel en de standaard IP gebruiken.