Inter (4°W) Amos 2/3 NEW FREQ.
11388 Í 27500 (ID: 0001)
HEX Key: AC 12 34 00 43 21 CA 00
INTER + Amos 4*W
New Freq: 11388 í 27500,(ID: 0009)
HEX Key:12 34 AC 00 12 34 AC 00
11388 Í 27500 (ID: 0001)
HEX Key: AC 12 34 00 43 21 CA 00
INTER + Amos 4*W
New Freq: 11388 í 27500,(ID: 0009)
HEX Key:12 34 AC 00 12 34 AC 00
---------- Sonra gönderilen 30-03-2010 Saat 20:06 ---------- İlk önce gönderilen 11-03-2010 Saat 17:39 ----------
INTER (4°W) Amos 2/3 NEW FREQ.
11388 Í 27500 (ID: 0001)
HEX Key: AC 12 34 00 43 21 CA 00
INTER + Amos 4*W
New Freq: 11388 H 27500,(ID: 0009)
HEX Key:12 34 AC 00 12 34 AC 00
Ê1..... AMOS 2-3 (4.0°W)NEW Feq
11388 H 27500 3/4
Ident: 000003
Index HEX : AB CD EF 67 FE DC BA 94 For F-1 race
---------- Sonra gönderilen 31-03-2010 Saat 12:20 ---------- İlk önce gönderilen 30-03-2010 Saat 20:06 ----------
I joined all topics related to data channels.
What I can tell you:
1. Broadcast deal with 10890 V 27500 3 / 4 (temporarily, until 13 April)
2. It began broadcasting on 11389 H 27500 3 / 4 (to be used only for this frequency, with her tone is better)
3. Currently only encode Inter, Inter and K1 (for Formula-1)
4. Channel Megasport no longer sport, and entertainment and is called Mega
5. It is unknown yet whether to encode the other channels, but the codes we do know:
INTER ((ID: 0001))
HEX Key: AC 12 34 00 43 21 CA 00
INTER + ((ID: 0009))
HEX Key:12 34 AC 00 12 34 AC 00
Ê1 ((ID: 0003))
HEX Key: AB CD EF 67 FE DC BA 94
NTN ((ID: 0002))
HEX Key: 1A 6B 1C 00 1D 95 FF 00
Mega ((ID: 0004))
HEX Key: AB CD EF 67 FE DC BA 94