Indigo Rose Plugin SDK 2.0 Beta (AutoPlay Media Studio 8)


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Hi Everyone,

Here is a link to the beta version of the Indigo Rose Plugin SDK 2.0. Feel free to work with this version to create or update your plugins, but you should be aware that there is a small possibility that the SDK will change prior to release.

Version 2.0 of the SDK now works with Lua 5.1 and will use the same Lua runtime as the main AutoPlay 8.0 runtime, which will hopefully get rid of some of the issues that were plaguing plugins created with version 1.0 of the SDK.

Most of the changes to the SDK focus on the upgrade to Lua 5.1 and simplifying the plugin creation process for developers...but since this is still the Beta version of the SDK we are still open to suggestions as to how we can make your life as plugin developers easier.

So take a look at the SDK, and let us know what you think and if you come across any issues.


The Dev Team (TDT)

