DataTables BB Code - BB Code data sheet


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DataTables BB Code - BB Code data sheet 1.0.7

The add-on adds a simple BB code

Columns are separated by a comma or pipe, or with the tab if you have installed in Redactor Editor Allow Tabs. Customers are separated by newline characters. No BB code more complicated to learn to create rows or columns.

To create tables named for a title, [TABLE = head] BB code may be used, or create the table without a title, the [TABLE = nohead] BB code may be used.

The add-on also contains very powerful jQuery DataTables plug-in, which when activated via the Admin CP option allows sorting, filtering and pagination tables, and more.

The table contains very little style, allowing you to style your own way table.

Composition table can contain other ingredients BB code. The only drawback is that the code does not have to have one of the delimiters (for example, the table in the table does not actually work!).

BB Code data sheet 1.0.7.png BB Code data sheet 1.0.7_2.png

Good luck.

I wish you success.

