CSE HTML Validator v11.0


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CSE HTML Validator Std/Pro/Enterprise v11.02 is now available to all customers that have a valid v11.0 license.

We recommend that you first uninstall any older versions of previous std/pro/enterprise editions (except older 11.0x versions, like BETAs, if any) and then install v11.02. If you have a previous 11.0x version installed (like a BETA), then simply install the new v11.02 RELEASE version over your current v11 installation. Note that even if you uninstall a previous version, then many options and settings will be retained and used in v11 (unless you choose a 'full uninstall' when uninstalling the previous version).

If you want to keep a previous version on your computer along with v11.0, then you can. However, if you ever uninstall a previous version, then you may need to re-install the version you are keeping (such as v11.02) to make sure needed files are installed. This is because some needed files may be uninstalled when uninstalling the previous version.

Here is the revision history for v11.0:
CSE HTML Validator What's New

To download v11.0 RELEASE (Pro):
https://www.htmlvalidator.com/htmlval/p ... sionin=110

To download v11.0 RELEASE (Std):
https://www.htmlvalidator.com/htmlval/p ... ionin=1101

To download v11.0 RELEASE (Enterprise):
https://www.htmlvalidator.com/htmlval/p ... ionin=1102

Hint: Load your current version and do an update check (Help->Check for New Program Version or Help->Check for Updates). This should open a browser window with your registration number and PIN number already filled out. Just select v11.02 and download.

IMPORTANT! A v11.0x RELEASE key is required. V10.0x and v11.0x BETA keys WILL NOT WORK with this release. You can obtain a v11.0x RELEASE key (an upgrade purchase may be necessary) from:
https://www.htmlvalidator.com/htmlval/p ... foform.php


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