Constant CW Club Prive TV 13.0E 22.10.2009


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Constant CW Club Prive TV 13.0E 22.10.2009 10:34

Club Prive TV (13.0E) in HEX: 50 A0 8C 7C E7 A0 AF 36 BB 42 D3 D0 D6 A1 92 09
Club Prive TV (13.0E) in DEC: 080 160 140 124 231 160 175 054 187 066 211 208 214 161 146 009

For camd3.keys (camd3.keys):
0500:003792:0000000000:00:50A08C7CE7A0AF36BB42D3D0 D6A19209 ; Club Prive TV (13.0E)

For CCcam ( and Newcamd (constantcw):
0500:031B00:3792:0BAE:0835::50 A0 8C 7C E7 A0 AF 36 BB 42 D3 D0 D6 A1 92 09 ; Club Prive TV (13.0E)

For EVOcamd (keylist.txt):
B 3792 00 50A08C7CE7A0AF36BB42D3D0D6A19209 ; Club Prive TV (13.0E)

For GBox (softcam.cfg):
0: { 05 00 37 92 { 50 A0 8C 7C E7 A0 AF 36 BB 42 D3 D0 D6 A1 92 09 }} # Club Prive TV (13.0E)

For MGcamd (Softcam.Key):
F 37920835 00 50A08C7CE7A0AF36 ; Club Prive TV (13.0E)
F 37920835 01 BB42D3D0D6A19209 ; Club Prive TV (13.0E)

For incubusCamd (Softcam.Key):
X 3792 0835 50A08C7CE7A0AF36BB42D3D0D6A19209 ; Club Prive TV (13.0E)

scam (constcw) {for older cvs}
C: { 00820000 044C 013E 3792 0BAF { 50A08C7CE7A0AF36 BB42D3D0D6A19209 }} ;Club Prive TV (13.0E)

scam (constcw) {for newer cvs}
C: { 00820000 044C 013E 3792 0BAF { 50A08C7CE7A0AF36 BB42D3D0D6A19209 }} ;Club Prive TV (13.0E)

For GigaTwinCam (SoftCam.Key)
X 2600 3792 0BAF 50A08C7CE7A0AF36BB42D3D0D6A19209 ;Club Prive TV (13.0E)

For Metabox 6 and 7:
D 0500:031B00:3792:0BAE:0835::50A08C7CE7A0AF36BB42D3 D0D6A19209 ; Club Prive TV (13.0E)

Dragon Cam
F 0500:3792:0BAF:50A08C7CE7A0AF36BB42D3D0D6A19209 ;Club Prive TV (13.0E)

Diablo Cam ( to import with Fausto )
0500:031B00:00:8C:3792:[50A08C7CE7A0AF36BB42D3D0D6A19209]; Club Prive TV (13.0E)

For Humax (Key.bin):
2C93 92AE 50A08CE7A0AF ; Club Prive TV (13.0E)
2C93 92AE BB42D3D6A192 ; Club Prive TV (13.0E)

For Kaon Series:
0835 00 50A08C7CE7A0AF36 ; Club Prive TV (13.0E)
0835 01 BB42D3D0D6A19209 ; Club Prive TV (13.0E)

Diablo Cam ( to import with Keymaker )
<list visible="Y" info="">
<codingsystem name="VIACCESS 2" visible="Y">
<provider name="ConstantCW" provid="031B00" caid="0500" fixedcw="" visible="Y" exportbinfile="Y" exportfixedcwbinfile="Y" sid="">
<keylist visible="Y" />
<channellist visible="Y">
<channel name="Club Prive TV (13.0E)" sat="" type="" frequency="" symbolrate="" fec="" polarisation="" sid="3792" fixedcw="50A08C7CE7A0AF36BB42D3D0D6A19209" exportfixedcwbinfile="Y" visible="Y" />