AutoPlay Media Studio 8 Plugins and Addons


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Action plugins (AMS 8.0)
Hover over plugin name to view version history.

The AllOn Action Plugin makes it possible to call one or more lines of code at a specified page/dialog event and on many (or all) pages and dialogs using only one call.

The Box Action Plugin is an extension of reteset's GlobalTimer Action Plugin (and requires it). Box enables the programmer to call scripts and (if desired) repeat them at specified intervals while the program continues it normal operation. This facilitates a type of multi-threading within one's code to allow multiple tasks to be performed simultaneosly.

The Class Action Plugin simplifies the process of creating objects and/or changing their properties. Instead of having to enter each object's properties individually, they can be defined using an object class. This can be done with pages and dialogs as well.

Allows the use of custom cursors in your projects. 'Nuff said

Normally, when working with XML files in AMS, only one may be open at a given time. With DXML you can open and operate on multiple xml files at the same time. Additionally, DXML comes with a few added functions to make xml manipulation a little bit more convenient and versatile.

This plugin allows you to split your project page into sections that can be resized (including the objects in that section) at runtime by moving the splitter bars (vertical and horizontal) essentially creating frames in your project pages.

The GlobalPaths Action Plugin returns the folder from where the exe file is being initially called as well as the AutoPlay(data) folder and its subfolders regardless if or how your project is compiled. If you use the global variable _ExeFolder, it will return the folder where the exe file is initially being executed. For example, if you compile a web/exe and run that exe file from C:\MyProgram\Proggie.exe, the project files will be extracted to the user's temp folder but _ExeFolder variable will return "C:\MyProgram" and so for every other compilation method you may use. _Audio will return the project Audio folder, _Images will return your project's Images folder and so on.

The Group Action Plugin allows the creation of object groups. These groups can contain any number of objects and the objects can be of any type. Groups can be manipulated during runtime by simply referencing the name of the group. Items can be added or deleted at anytime which makes for a very dynamic group association amongst objects in your project.

INIPlus is a human-readable document format that implements the power and versatility of xml with the simplicity of ini. This version has an auto-save feature so you never have to worry about saving the document with which you're working.

The KeyLock Action Plugin allows the programmer to lock and unlock keys and key combinations on the user's keyboard at runtime.

The Menu Action Plugin makes creating and manipulating menus a cinch. Forget those exhaustive tables of properties and subtables. With the Menu plugin you'll be on your way to simple menus in no time at all. no more referencing menu items by number. No more miles of code in your On Menu events. This plugin allows you to reference your menu items by name and to specify code based on those name so you never need to remember a menu id again.

The Project Action Plugin makes creating a new project easy as proverbial pie! All that coding you used to do at the beginning of every project is now a thing of the past. With the Project plugin, many of the common project tasks such as, file association, settings file creation, crash reports, window dimension and position session data and many others, can be done with a few simple functions. Make your project creation and manipulation simple.

]This plugin creates a bar in your project at runtime that can display any text you might need to show the user. A custom icon can also be displayed in the bar and many of the bar's properties can be adjusted including color, opacity and size.


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