This is 500W RMS power amplifier circuit design, build based on MOSFET. The circuit is very popular in EE audio hobbyist as “LEGEND stage Master MK2”. It is a very good and powerful amplifier. It uses 12x power MOSFET IRFP240.
To achieve even greater power, and they were often interested young friends, was developed even stronger version is capable of producing a full and true 500W RMS into 8 ohms. With such large forces had to resort to a radically different solution some degree, for even better reliability, or has increased the complexity of the tiles so that for this version is impossible to use the same tile as the previous two lower models (Legend and Legend Stage Master).
Output power ——— 500W RMS / 8 ohms
Frequency range 15Hz-130kHz (-1dB) at 30W RMS
THD = <0.18% (at 1 kHz and 500 W)
THD = <0.01% (at 1 kHz and 400W and below this power)
BIAS around 25mA per output pair
500W RMS Power Amplifier PCB Design and Layout
This is the PCB design and component placement, you should mount the MOSFET on the heatsink to prevent overheating and maintain the performance of power amplifier.