12v 100Ah Otomatik Akü Şarj Kontrol Devresi


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12v 100Ah Otomatik Akü Şarj Kontrol Devresi ,12v automatic battery charger circuit is working based on IC of 555 this is the most common IC using in hobby circuits by using this single circuit diagram you can make a homemade 12 volt 100 ah automatic battery charger control system.
So in this article I am going to explain about how to make a 12 volt automatic battery charge controller circuit. This circuit contains a full charge automatic turn off system with LED indication. The two presets are are already set into low voltage cutoff and high voltage cutoff in the voltage of the battery falls below 10.5 v then the charging will be started. When the battery charge reaches to 14 volt then automatically the related of and the contact between the charger and the battery will be discontinued.

Working of Automatic Battery Cut Off Circuit​

The working procedure is very easy to understand. The NE555 IC detects the voltage variation in pin number 2 and 6 will turn off and turn on the relay. While relay in the on-state the charging process will be starting. When the battery full level the relay turning off and stops overcharging. By adjusting the 20k pot can vary the charging on and cut off voltage.

Otomatik Akü Kesme Devresinin Çalışması
Çalışma prosedürünün anlaşılması çok kolaydır. NE555 IC, 2 ve 6 numaralı pinlerdeki voltaj değişimini algılar ve röleyi kapatır ve açar. Röle açık durumdayken, şarj işlemi başlayacaktır. Akü dolduğunda, röle kapanır ve aşırı şarjı durdurur. 20k potu ayarlayarak şarjı değiştirebilir ve voltajı kesebilirsiniz.
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