
  1. guclusat

    Hipro HP-A0652R3B

    Hipro HP-A0652R3B devre şeması
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  3. guclusat

    HiFi Audio PreAmp Circuit TL072 Schematic

    A preamplifier (preamp) is an electronic amplifier that prepares a small electrical signal for amplification or further processing. A preamp is often placed close to the sensor to reduce the effects of noise (noise) and interference (radio frequency).HiFi Preamp used to increase the signal...
  4. guclusat

    600 Watt Ses Amplifikatör devresi (Schematic 600W Audio Amplifier)

    Description The circuit is based around {LM4702} manufactured by NATIONAL semiconductors & {MJ11029-MJ11028} by ON semiconductors It is a high fidelity audio power amplifier. Designed for demanding consumer and pro-audio applications. You can also use this circuit with AV receivers, Audiophile...
  5. uydudoktoru

    7 Watt Audio Power Amplifier Circuit Schematic

    Small but powerful multipurpose amplifier This small amplifier is constructed around the TDA2003 IC, capable of delivering 4Wrms at 4ohms. The TDA 2003 has improved performance with the same pin configuration as the TDA 2002. The additional features of TDA 2002, very low number of external...
  6. guclusat

    12AU7 / 12AX7 Tube Preamplifier Power Supply Schematic

    12AU7 / 12AX7 Tube Preamplifier Power Supply Schematic (Tüp Preamplifikatör Güç Kaynağı devre şeması)
  7. uydudoktoru

    12 Vdc - 120 Vac Inverter Schematic

    12 Vdc - 120 Vac Inverter Schematic
  8. guclusat

    BF199 Sürücülü BLY87 Çıkışa sahip FM Verici Devresi 15 Waat FM Transmitter Schematic

    3-Meter Zender (100-108Mhz/10-15W) De frequentie is opgebouwd uit een oscillator, C1 = 100nF (MKM) buffer en eindtrap. Modulatie vindt plaats door C2 = 10pF (Keramisch) op de capaciteitsdiode D1 aanwezige gelijkspan- C3 = 120pF (Keramisch) ning d.m.v. een...
  9. guclusat

    5 Watt rf power devresi (5-Watt Broadband RF Power Amp schematic)

    5 Watt rf power devresi (5-Watt Broadband RF Power Amp schematic) Devrenin üzerine extra olarak çıkış gücünün olup olmadığını gösteren bir led devreside eklenmiştir..