
  1. uydudoktoru

    Precison Power Supply, 0-40V/2A

    Parts List: Resistors: All resistors are 1/4W unless otherwise indicated R1 = 1K2 RV1,RV2 = 5K R 2 = 7K5 RV3 = 500 ohm R3 = 15K RV4 = 100K R4 = 160 Ohm P1 = 50K, Bourns, 10-turn potentiometer R5,R6...
  2. uydudoktoru

    Precison Power Supply, 0-40V/2A (0-40V/2A Güç Kaynağı)

    Precision Power Supply © 1986 Doug Bedrosian and 2010 Tony van Roon "This Precision Power Supply is a nice addition on your workbench as primary, or in my case, a supplementary power supply. With zero to 40V and 2A with adjustable current limiting it will surely gets lots of use on your...